"Why am I paying so much! I'm healthy!"

The insurance companies on private plans are medically underwritten. The overall risk pool for the company is lowered drastically, as relatively healthy people, don't get sick too often.

The insurance companies are then able to give you a preferred rate!

"I feel like I'm overpaying"

If you are on a full priced plan through the Open Marketplace/Obamacare or expensive employer's plan, Private Healthcare is worth looking over!

Private Insurance is tailored to your health. Not your income!

"I am constantly traveling"

The Obamacare plans are limited to, mainly, HMO and EPO networks. Essentially, think HOME when you see both of these; network coverage is limited elsewhere.

Private Healthcare plans are PPO, meaning your plan travels where you do.

You will always be protected.

The last thing you want to think about while traveling is if your health insurance will cover you!

"Can I cancel at any time?"

Yes, you are never contractually obligated with any health insurance plan, besides employer coverage. You can cancel at anytime for both the public and private health insurance plans.

"Who are you able to help?"

I work with those who primarily are self-employed, contracted individuals and those being offered expensive COBRA options.
Across all industries, I help professionals looking for individual, family, or

small business health coverage.

"I already don't
use the insurance I have"

If you aren't using your health insurance, why are you paying a mortgage payment for it...?

Health based policies are designed for those who aren't seeing a doctor's office weekly!

"Am I only able to sign up during "open enrollment" to set up private insurance?"

This only applies to the Obamacare/ACA/Public Marketplace policies. With a qualifying life event, you can also get on these plans. Private Healthcare is available all year! There is no specific enrollment period.

"Will I qualify for Private Insurance?"

If you are in relatively good health, you have good odds of approval. You don't have to have zero issues going on, but if you don't have any major pre-existing conditions, private plans could be the fit for you!

"What are the biggest differences between ACA/Obamacare Heath Insurance, Employer Coverage, and Private Health Insurance?"

For those in need of coverage for pre-existing conditions or maternity, Obamacare/ACA is the best. If under the income threshold that qualifies you for government funded subsidies, it is affordable. Without that financial assistance, these plans are exorbitantly expensive! Because of no barrier to entry, they revolve around the high deductible and expensive premium, as anyone is able to get them.

Employer’s are legally required to pay 50% of the employee’s premium. Not the families, such as your spouse and dependents.

Private insurance being tailored to your health, means they are not guaranteed acceptance. You receive lower premiums and better coverage due to this low-risk pool.

"What is a health insurance advisor?"

A health insurance advisor means you are a licensed professional who specializes in initial set up and management of your

health insurance experience.

It is my job to educate and advise you on the plans that help lower your risk. You should fully understand what you're buying into. I spend as much time as you need to be confident about your healthcare.

If you're currently unsatisfied with your coverage, or wanting to see what other options are available,
book an appointment today
to verify you are in the best position to protect your health and financial future.

Helping individuals, families and small business owners acquire quality health insurance throughout the year.


Being involved with your health insurance can seem intangible, and even harder to have confidence in the plan you choose.

Overwhelming can be an understatement...

Through years of experience, I have seen and heard the issues consumers face and created straightforward solutions, to implement for your healthcare coverage.

Licensed in 

31 states

30 Day Money Back 
