I own a health insurance agency with access to every plan in the state; both public and private markets. Specializing in comprehensive, full medical options, so coverage in all scenarios - designed for your specific needs and circumstances.

We’ll simplify this process for individuals and families like yourself.

If relatively healthy, you may qualify for a low to no deductible as well! There’s really been one or two options we’ve seen be game changers for our clients in 2025.

Popular Plan Features:

  • PPO flexibility

    (almost any doctor, any hospital, across all states)

  • No coverage gaps

    (don’t have to switch health coverage between jobs/contracts)             

  • Comprehensive full medical coverage

    (including preventative care, wellness programs, coverage for illnesses, accidents, and catastrophic events)

  • Customizable options

    (such as adding dental, vision, life, or short-term disability coverage)


  • Tax deductible

    (for the self-employed/1099)

  • Discounted rates based on health

    (sort of like how a safe driver discount in car insurance works)

"Will I qualify for Private Insurance?"

If you are relatively in good healthy, you have good odds of approval. You don't have zero issues going on, but if you don't have any major pre-existing conditions, private plans could be the fit for you!

"Am I only able to sign up during "open enrollment" to set up private insurance?"

This only applies to the Obamacare/ACA/Public Marketplace policies. With a qualifying life event, you can also get on these plans. Private Healthcare is available all year! There is no specific enrollment period.

"Why am I paying so much! I'm healthy!"

The insurance companies on private plans are medically underwritten. The overall risk pool for the company is lowered drastically, as healthy people, like you, don't get sick too often.

The insurance companies are then able to give you a preferred rate!

"I already don't use the insurance I have"

If you aren't using your health insurance, why is your mortgage payment less? Health based policies are designed for those who aren't best friends with their doctor's office!

"Who are you able to help?"

I work with those who primarily are self-employed, contracted individuals and those being offered expensive COBRA options.

Across all industries, I help professionals looking for individual or family coverage.

"I feel like I'm overpaying"

If you are on a full priced plan through Obamacare or your employer's plan, Private Healthcare is worth looking over!

Private Insurance is tailored to your health and not your income!

"I am constantly traveling"

The Marketplace/Obamacare plans are usually limited to HMO and EPO networks. Essentially, your coverage is limited to your area. Private Healthcare plans are all PPO, meaning your plan travels where you do. You will always be protected.

The last thing you want to think about while out of town is your health insurance!

"Can I cancel at any time?"

Yes, you are never contractually obligated with any health insurance plan, besides employer coverage. You can cancel at anytime for both the public and private health insurance plans.